Environment & ecology


Information on training courses and diplomas in agricultural education

There are several types of training courses and various establishments to train for the traditional…


A guide to renewable and non-renewable energies

Rising oil prices, environmental challenges and changing legislation have created an urgent need to develop…

En­vi­ron­mentjobs | Environment Jobs and Environment Post

Looking for an environment job, careers or recruitment into the environment sectors in the UK….

Friendsoftheearth | Friends of the Earth Home

Friends of the Earth is an environmental campaigning community dedicated to the wellbeing and protection of the natural world and everyone in it.

Pbworks | Capture knowledge, share files, and manage projects within a secure, reliable environment PBworks Online Team Col­labora­tion Software

PBworks lets your team capture knowledge, share files, and manage projects. It tracks every change,…

Rspb | The RSPB Wildlife Charity Nature Reserves & Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion

The RSPB is the UK’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a…

Anglian­wa­ter | Anglian Water Love Every Drop

We will always go the extra mile for our six million customers and their water.

Scien­celawenvi­ron­ment | Science, Law & the Environment En­vi­ronmen­tal Legal Regulation Doug Steding

Authored by Doug Steding, this blog focuses on environmental legal issues in Washington, Oregon, California,…

Crikey | Crikey On politics, media, business, the environment and life

Crikey is an independent news website featuring commentary on politics, media, business, culture and technology.

Brexiten­vi­ron­ment | Welcome to Brexit & Environment a network of academic experts

Welcome to the authoritative and impartial source for independent research on how Brexit is affecting…